With iOS 18 Your App Needs Dark App Icon More Than Ever

Sep 24, 2024 · Alexander Deplov

With the latest release of iOS 18, Apple continues to emphasize design harmony throughout the operating system with Dark Mode for app icons. It provides a sleek and modern aesthetic that many users have come to love. Unfortunately, if your app doesn’t conform to this visual paradigm, users are more likely to remove it from the Home Screen to get rid of an app icon that doesn’t fit.

When an iOS 18 user enables Dark Mode on their device, the operating system automatically switches to a dark theme for all apps. However, not every app has been updated to reflect this change. As a result, your beautifully designed app will appear out of place among the other dark-themed icons on the home screen.

So if a user really wants to enjoy this new iOS 18 feature, they are willing to remove the app that looks out of place and visually distracting.