iOS App Pricing Doesn't Have to Be Low

Jun 30, 2017 · Alexander Deplov

For many years, I developed only paid iOS apps. I read many online articles suggesting to set the price low, like $0.99 per copy. They said it allows more people to afford it.

After some tests, I tried with one of my app pricing less than 0.99 (Tiers A, B), 0.99, 1.99, 2.99, up to 11.99. Then I calculated what price makes more income.

The result was that one of my top apps made more money in total when the price was 3.99. I tested this idea many times and over and over again — 3.99 was the winner.

So the conclusion is that people are willing to pay more than 0.99 and if I lowered it that much, I was stealing from myself. And basically people will buy it even if the price is higher compared to competitors, it all depends on a product and users willingness to close their pain at that price.